Monday, January 25, 2010

What is Privacy Protection and the Law???

What is Privacy Protection and the Law?

Privacy protection
Approaches to privacy can, broadly, be divided into two categories: free market and consumer protection. In a free market approach, commercial entities are largely allowed to do what they wished, with the expectation that the consumers will choose to do the business with the corporations that respect the privacy to a desired degree. If some companies are not sufficiently respectful of privacy, they will lose market share. Such an approach may be limited by lack of competition in the market, by enterprises not offering privacy options favorable to the user, or by lack of information about actual privacy practices. Claims of privacy protection made by companies may be difficult for consumers to verify, except when they have already been violated.
In a consumer protection approach, in contrast, it is acknowledged that individuals may not have the time or knowledge to make informed choices, or may not have reasonable alternatives available. This approach advocates greater government definition and enforcement of privacy standards.



law is an area of the law which pertains to privacy. Many nations have identified the privacy of individual citizens as an important value, and have created an expectation of privacy through the authoring of privacy law. Laws by nation vary considerably, and in most cases, privacy law has actually been created through a series of legislative actions and legal cases as shifting society has illuminated the need to adapt the law to cover new situations.

The underlying idea behind privacy law is that citizens have a reasonable expectation of privacy about their personal lives. As long as people are not breaking the law, they should assume that they can enjoy privacy and confidentiality in personal matters. One area of privacy law is privacy in the home, which protects people from unreasonable intrusion by government officials. In fact, the home is one of the most heavily protected areas under privacy law.

Another area which privacy law covers is communications. As a general rule, it is not legal to intercept or listen in on communications, from letters sent through the post office to phone calls. In order to do so, it is necessary to have a warrant from a court. People are also protected from recording of conversations, depending on the law. In areas with a one party law, as long as one person knows that the conversation is being recorded, it is legal. With two party laws, both people in a conversation must be aware of the fact that it is being recorded for the recording to be legal.

Financial and medical records are also protected under privacy law, although, like communications, they can be obtained with a warrant. In addition to providing people with privacy, the law is also designed to prevent abuse of such records. When people release financial or medical information, they do so by signing detailed waivers which make them aware of how the information will be used and by which entity. This information must be protected by whichever person or organization has collected it, whether it takes the form of an electronic record in a hospital computer, or a safe deposit box in a bank.

Privacy law also covers online communications and activities. For example, people who process personal information on the Internet must encrypt it so that it cannot be intercepted by a third party. Internet privacy law is especially complicated because people may visit sites hosted in foreign countries, may work with companies all over the world, and may engage in a variety of activities online.

Monday, January 11, 2010




For me if my classmate plan to make a worm virous i would like to ended what he plan to make to the computer.. because this is the big effect to the computer system if this is save to the computer system...
The worn is very harmful virous in computer, It affect to turn off the computer system in a few hours and automatic shotdown. I would like to explain to my classmate what is the result of what he/she thingking...!!!!!